What about CHILL?
At CHILL, we inspire young people and show them the countless opportunities our beautiful region offers. Our goal is to increase enrollment in the relevant educational fields in Limburg and thus contribute to a thriving, sustainable future.
Our innovation labs are where MBO, HBO and WO students come together to work on making SMEs and large companies more sustainable. Here, young entrepreneurs get the chance to realize their dreams, supported by our state-of-the-art equipment and in-depth expertise.
CHILL is the incubator for regional talent, where supply and demand meet. Our lifelong development programs are the springboard to success for tomorrow's leaders and workers. We sum this all up under our motto:
'empowering tomorrow's talent'
Join CHILL and discover how we are shaping the future together.
Funded initiatives
Grants are essential in stimulating innovation and promoting cooperation between educational institutions and businesses. At CHILL, we are actively involved in several grant programs that contribute to the development of both education and business.
Find out more about our current projects below.
SNEL connects ecosystems for growth in LimburgSNEL connects ecosystems for growth in Limburg